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Elemental Brand...
Stumbles Posted 11 Feb 2004

I was wondering if it would be possible to take a serious look at elemental brand. Elemental brand is a gen 1 ranger remort spell. Im gen 3 now and still have yet to find any use for it. First it costs 150 mana every time you cast it. On top of that you have to cast it several times to get the right brands for each element on the weapon. So in the end you spend around 450-600 mana to get 2 hit and 2 dam on a weapon and it lasts a tick or two, even with a rose this wouldnt be remotely useful. Since its a remort spell and it makes the weapon +ranger. it wouldnt make elemental brand to powerful to either simply drop the mana cost or make it so you dont have to cast is several times to get the full hit and dam. Either way tho it simply doesnt last long enough, it doesnt last longer than a fight or two. Me personally i dont see why all of the above cant be done. simply cut out all the crap, make it cost about half as much, give the full stats on the first cast and make it last about as long as attract. In the end all it would do is make us melee a little better and mebbe make some other class combos a bit more playable with the dam boost, but i dont see it making rangers too powerful. I think it would leave rangers the exact same a defensive/melee class that has to beat the shit outta mobs, and sucks at pk, we would just melee a bit better. Or if all of the other changes make elemental brand too powerful at 2 hit and dam drop it to 1 one hit and dam. In the end im simply looking for some way to make it useful at all. If that isnt possible and its simply a spell that isnt useful till high gen, then make it a high gen remort spell. Dont give it to rangers at gen 1 so they can fight it till gen 10 when it actually serves some purpose. Im sure there are about 100 angles i havent thought of when i suggest these things, im just throwing stuff out and hoping for some feed back. thanks for listening :) JJS

Elric Posted 22 Feb 2004

Sorry not a direct response to Stumbles but has to do with rangers and impermanent weapon enchants. I had an idea, granted it's not original, but I think it would fit our rangers very well. Give them the spell Keen edge, increase the chances of criticals occurring, I reckon that would be an awesome addition to their arsenal without being over the top.

Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

Keen edge was suggested awhile ago, I believe as "hone blade" under one of the different coders. I'd still like to see it. I believe CRITICAL HIT is our power move, and so we should have a way to improve it.


Tereus Posted 28 Jan 2006

Keen Edge would rock!

Brywing Posted 28 Jan 2006

The chance to get a critical already increases with gen. Gen 10s getting lots of crits much of the time.

Kitano Posted 30 Jan 2006

I agree with Brywing. If Rangers get keen edge, why shouldn't Knights get Greater Behead? A few classes get boosts to their power move, namely Bards (fortissimo) and Barbs (Greater Cleave). Others get boosts in different ways, like Thief (stun). Not everyone gets bonuses, and the Gen bonus to critical seems like it should be enough. Back on topic, and along with the other thread around here, I do agree that Elemental Brand could be tweaked. If it takes so much mana and lasts for so little time, perhaps it could have more benefits. In this way, it could be a power move for rangers, say adding 10 damroll and 10 hitroll or so for 1 game hour. This would put a few quick rounds of attacks against a stunned/sleeping/floored mob/player in the damage realm of a power move. By making the duration so short and the mana cost high, it would guarantee it's pretty much a one shot deal. Otherwise, I see no reason not to make it like Attract, and last a little longer.

Cast Posted 1 Feb 2006

wow, i haven't gotten a crital hit ever since i played, i only noticed they exists when a little clown dude from kki owned me w/ it… but i guess that's normal, cuz i'm not a melee type of character

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