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Critical Hits--a few thoughts.
Panzer Posted 8 Mar 2004

I experienced something this weekend that was…painful…

Ranger Critical Hits

My question(s):

Is it an actual Ranger skill (trainable) or just something that happens?

How about making it a trainable skill for all "fighting" classes..? There could be different levels, sort of like second & third attacks. Like: level 10 - Critical Strike I level 25 - Critical Strike II level 40 - Critical Strike III

Here's my reasoning:

Cyborgs: they can use a combination of their analyze skill, cybernetic intelligence, and knowledge of anatomy to find weak points on their opponents, thus earning the critical hit skill. After all, if you can perform cybersurgery, you ought to know anatomy well :)

Monks: already trained in the ways of nerve pinches, the next progression in skill just flows into critical hit areas on the body. This only makes sense!

Mercs: what better way to cripple an opponent quickly than to know where exactly to strike them..? It makes sense for a Merc to know about these kinds of critical shots. It could be said that Hamstring is a form of a critical hit.

Barbs: a brutal life of non-stop fighting will train you very well in the ways of making things dead. Their knowledge of fighting should allow them to be able to critically strike opponents.

Rangers: they already have it.

Thieves: I could see giving it to thieves, but they already have stun/backstab and Circle too. But, it would make sense, especially if the thief wanted to become an assassin.

Clerics: Good clerics would not use their knowledge of the body to critically harm another creature. Evil clerics, though..that's another story.

Mages: while anatomy may be something which mages could be very good at, they are not a very effective fighting class–and so should not earn a critical hit skill. Well..maybe at 49…

Psi's and Phys: same as the mages..though I could see giving maybe 1 level to a Psi earlier, simply because of their knowledge of bodies.

Panzer Posted 8 Mar 2004

reply to this topic instead…

The other one's formatting was messed up by the board :P

Panzer Posted 8 Mar 2004

To quote Darkesoul:

Darkesoul Posted on: 2004-03-08 1:51 PM

Yeah cause i think Sin is a prime psi and she definitely knows my body if ya know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge

Elric Posted 9 Mar 2004

Sin is a prime cleric…

As for the idea, while I kind of agree, I still have to say No. Critical Hits are rangers powermove. Giving them to other classes dilutes the uniqueness of the class.

To answer the other part of the questions, it's not something they have to train, it just happens.

Panzer Posted 9 Mar 2004

Wait a minute…that's the Ranger's power move…?

Hmmm…what is your definition of a "power move" though?

I just can't see that the Critical Hit is their only "power move".

I think when it comes down to it, the only "real" power move that Cyborgs have that Rangers don't is Discharge. Otherwise, Rangers have 16 combat usable skills…i.e. "power moves" (in my book).

Punch, kick, bite, spinfist, uppercut, bash, headbutt, roundhouse, hook, bearhug, sweepkick, claw, sidekick, Pele kick, lunge punch, and Impale.

Cyborgs have 2: kick and punch

Not very combat oriented….me thinks.

Rangers get double/triple attack, "dual wield" (really early..14th level).

Compare this to the borgs for a minute…what do we have for a "power" move?

We get basic Punch and Kick. Woo hoo.

We can't knock people down until 32nd level (Energy Field), and even then, it's not an all-the-time occurance.

We get an extra attack program, Melee combat tactics, at 24th level. Doesn't really get good until you get into the 30's, though, and couple it with Cogenic Bridging.

We don't get to wield a second weapon until Cogenic Bridging at 35th level.

Shukutei Adrenalization comes into play at 37th (still not exactly certain what it improves upon..I think speed…but I keep it going anyways).

With the ability to earn Implant Tickets, and some smart playing, the ranger (or any other class, for that matter) doesn't have to worry about the cost of implanting (life points, etc). So that advantage for the cyborgs is kind of negated.

Rangers also get very useful spells like Barkskin, Prot. Lightning, refresh, summon animals, call lightning, hail storm. Not to mention in later gens the Stone Skin and Thorn Skin spells, and, even though there was some discussion about how useful it was, the elemental branding spell/skill.

The only defensive AC enhancer we get is Defensive Posturing..and that decreases both our to hit and damage, while providing "some" armor benefit.

Plus, of course, Cyborgs have the inherant susceptability to lightning/electrical attacks.

Man…I shoulda been a Ranger…seeing all the benefits that they have over a Cyborg :)

Please don't take this post the wrong way..I'm really just trying to illustrate the differences in the two classes and point out the benefits and short comings, as I have seen them.

I hope you'll agree with me, after my "dissertation", that Rangers have many more "power" moves than Cyborgs and that giving Critical Hit to other combat classes would not hinder the Ranger nor cause them to lose their "uniqueness".

Heartsbane Posted 9 Mar 2004

Cyborgs have 2: kick and punch

… a cyborgs main power move SHOULD be discharge, i dont learn either kick, or punch.

and as for the ranger's move combat skills, thats the way it should be, as someone told a friend of mine about cyborg, its "one of those classes that you just let the enemy whither away". Rangers dont get all the +cyborg damroll implants, or the ability to implant each otehr or buy implants for free, which is a huge plus of cyborg.

As for shukutei at the 37th level it gives Perm Adrenaline. increases speed and makes you restistant to sleeping, if you havnt ever typed sleep while you had it on.

But back to the topic of ranger having more power moves, yeah, Cyborg attacks just as fast, and it is a lot easier to get huge amounts of damroll with cyborg. When you get to gen 5 you get advanced implant weaponry which lets you get in 6 hits a round if you have any implanted weapons, as far as i know ranger cant do that.

If you want a "fun" class to play, and you think borg isnt it, be borg/merc, that kicks ass. You get hamstring at 32, shoulderthrow at 39, triple attack at 38, and dual wield at 18. it kicks ass

borg rocks

Gasraidh Posted 9 Mar 2004

But be merc/borg because as we all know merc is sooooo much better then borg.

Signed, Gasraidh, The Compulsive Liar.

Heartsbane Posted 10 Mar 2004

i just realized that i was completely off topic on that

No other class should get Crit hit, because it is a ranger skill, like, i would be totally pissed if they gave a bunch of other classes discharge…

Panzer Posted 10 Mar 2004

I guess my thought is: why is Ranger the ONLY class that can have critical hit?

Cyborgs having Discharge makes sense–they use their inner power plant to generate electricity to zap the enemy.

But what about Critical Hit makes it so special that only a Ranger should get it…ya know..?

Cest Posted 10 Mar 2004


"Hmmm…what is your definition of a "power move" though?"

From what i can tell, power move= what people normally use all the time to kill stuff. For borgs that would be discharge.

"Cyborgs have 2: kick and punch

Not very combat oriented….me thinks."

You got tons of programs which are technically your "power moves" if you look at it. If borgs didnt have those, i would agree with ya, but they do so i cant really.

"Rangers get double/triple attack, "dual wield" (really early..14th level).

Compare this to the borgs for a minute…what do we have for a "power" move?"

Reflex boost= more attack, melee tactic=more attacks, cogenic neural what ever its called = dual wield. Looks the same to me.

"We can't knock people down until 32nd level (Energy Field), and even then, it's not an all-the-time occurance."

So? Energy field also makes it harder for mobs to actually land a hit on you. Therefore, you take less damage. Plus u get it alot earlier than thorn skin.

"We don't get to wield a second weapon until Cogenic Bridging at 35th level."

So? I dont get Fission blast untill level 40 and u dont see me complaining about it.

"Shukutei Adrenalization comes into play at 37th (still not exactly certain what it improves upon..I think speed…but I keep it going anyways)."

Shukwhat ever actually does increase your speed. And it gives adrenaline.

"With the ability to earn Implant Tickets, and some smart playing, the ranger (or any other class, for that matter) doesn't have to worry about the cost of implanting (life points, etc). So that advantage for the cyborgs is kind of negated."

Credits are easy to obtain, while implant tickets generally take more effort than going into like some place and start nuking everything i see.

"The only defensive AC enhancer we get is Defensive Posturing..and that decreases both our to hit and damage, while providing "some" armor benefit."

Borg only implants will easily make up for the less hit and damage. Not to mention that implant weaponry skill and advanced implant weaponry skill thing will increase your chances of hitting with implants even more.

"Plus, of course, Cyborgs have the inherant susceptability to lightning/electrical attacks."

You're a walking super conductor, what do you expect?

"Please don't take this post the wrong way..I'm really just trying to illustrate the differences in the two classes and point out the benefits and short comings, as I have seen them."

Im just showing my views as i have seen them as well =)

"I hope you'll agree with me, after my "dissertation", that Rangers have many more "power" moves than Cyborgs and that giving Critical Hit to other combat classes would not hinder the Ranger nor cause them to lose their "uniqueness"."

Depends on how you look at rangers i suppose. But seeing critical hits pop up a million times a second is about the few uniqueness rangers got.

This is of course in no ways a flame towards you Panzer, i'm just showing my thoughts as you have shown yours.

Elric Posted 10 Mar 2004

Aye Heartsbane, I wasn't comparing the two classes as Panzer has, nor was I saying that Cyborgs don't need an improvement. All I said, as you said in your last post, is; No one but Rangers should have critical hit. Also, I was being somewhat sarcastic in my comment crit hit being the rangers 'power move'. I, and I'm sure most of the other players define a power move as a skill / spell that does a lot of damage in one command. For instance: Psiblast is a power move, Great Cleave is a power move, Behead is a power move.

Punch, kick, bite, spinfist, uppercut, bash, headbutt, roundhouse, hook, bearhug, sweepkick, claw, sidekick, Pele kick, lunge punch, and Impale.

None of these skills count as a power move. In fact, of the skills mentioned; sweepkick and lunge punch are the only two worth learning. Pele kick is kind of okay, but when you miss you're on your ass. Impale sucks for anyone that doesn't wield a two-handed piercer and even then is probably poor. Now the other thing is…NONE of those skills are unique to the ranger. Rangers don't and probably never will have a 'power move'. As rangers now stand, I'm of the opinion that they don't need one.

I guess what this longwinded post is saying is, Yes Cyborgs probably need some enchancement, but the answer is not to take an ability that grants uniqueness and dilute it by giving it to everyone.

Panzer Posted 10 Mar 2004

Ahh..I see the wisdom of your posting :)

Thanks Elric! ;)

Panzer Posted 10 Mar 2004

Btw…I have yet to see any Borg-only implants.

Everyone that I know has pretty much the same implants that I do.

What are some borg-only implants that I should maybe keep my eye out for?

One comment about implant weaponry/advanced implant weaponry:

It's a useless skill if you wear anything on the spots where you have an implanted weapon.

Most borgs that I've seen wear stuff on all their spots….


Storm Posted 10 Mar 2004

I've personally built a few borg only implants, such as the repulsorlift engines and the internal switchblade.

Heartsbane Posted 10 Mar 2004

Nod Elric, i agree completely, my post was actually in response to Panzer, about other classes being able to get Critical hit…

and there i go again, forgetting what i actually started this post about..

ahh, and Panzer, you havnt seen any +borg implants? probably 13 of my implant set is + borg, n i donno how you havnt seen em, but stop by my house sometime and i'll scan ya and see what i can do for ya on that one

Panzer Posted 11 Mar 2004

Woo! Sounds schweet :)

I have prolly scanned you, Hearts..but I can't remember a thing about what you have…

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