Clan Houses | |
Drom | Posted 10 Sep 2003 There has been some discussion about making clan houses an actual part of the world, instead of having searches to get inside. This would have some interesting effects. 1: All entrances to clan houses would be actual exits. 2: Those entrances would be guarded by mobs. These would be the equivelant of guild-guards. They would prevent non-clanmembers from walking into the clanhouse. There would have to be a general standardization of the clan guards to prevent one clan from having an advantage. Or perhaps these would increase in power if the clan spent more money. (The more money you're willing to pay your mercenaries, the better they are). 3: Non-clan members would be able to "break-in". If you kill all the guardians to the clanhouse there isn't any reason why you shouldn't be able to walk in. The services inside the clanhouse would only be available to clanmembers however. Shops only selling to clannies and the portals purchased by a clan.. etc etc. 4: The "hirelings" that live and work inside a clanhouse need a salary. The mobs that are used as shopkeepers or guards should get a paycheck. That is, they would be a constant, but slight, draw on the clan account. This would help inspire players to continue to donate to the clan even though the house has been built. Perhaps the more powerful the mob, the bigger the paycheck (with regards to the guards). Ok, there it is.. Slay my ideas now :) |
Ego | Posted 10 Sep 2003 I like the idea. I'll also add an idea thats popped up occasionally in the past. The clan leaders should be able to set a tax on their shopkeepers and possibly on their members rent to help boost the clan accounts and pay for the shops. |
Doc | Posted 10 Sep 2003 Intresting idea. I would like to propose a couple of my own. #1 an editable clan tax that can be applied to all goods sold in said clan's store. The tax could be set between 0% and 100% depending on the need for cash. This extra cash would be directly deposited into the clan account. #2 a usuage fee for portals again setable by clan leaders. This fee would be automatically deducted from the gold the player is carrying each time a player entered the portal. Again the fee could be set to 0 if desired. This money would also be deposited into the clan account. Doc |
Cest | Posted 20 Sep 2003 How about the clan leader "taxing" the clan members a certain % of their exp. So like when every a member gain exp a % of it is taken off and placed into the clan account or something. This exp could be used into leveling up the guild guards or something. Maybe you can use money to buy guards or something. shrugs |
Aconite | Posted 21 Oct 2003 Rock'n idea, but…. about the whole thing of paying the clan guard and the clan venders… don't you already spend money to buy the item FROM the vender? I mean, com'n now, you have to pay for the stuff AND a daily paycheck to the vender? Why not just add the cost onto the actual items. Anyway, that's my bitching for today. :) -Aco |
Jakezor | Posted 25 Oct 2003 I don't like the idea of the hirelings. My clan already has everything I want and I don't feel like constantly depositting money just to keep the stuff I already paid for. Shoot, the repairman makes a minor fortune off me, i'm constantly buying align changers and id scrolls, etc. If anything, the money we spend on our shops, repairers, implanters, mailroom should be depositted into the clan. Problem solved and everybody's happy. |
Jakezor | Posted 25 Oct 2003 shoot, can't edit posts. What i meant to say was that the repairman makes a minor fortune off of me and the shopkeeper too, since i'm buying stuff from him. As for the clan break-ins and stuff. I don't see what the point is. There's nothing to steal unless your clan has a container for equipment or whatever. Oh no, they're going to buy stuff from my shop, gasp, or even worse…repair their equipment! |
Heartsbane | Posted 4 Jan 2004 yeah, before, clan break ins wouldnt have had much of a point… sure they could have stolen yer eq but if it was sittin there no one wanted it anyways most likely… but since the recent changes, clan break ins could result in people pk'in yer clannies, n that could be pretty bad |
Revelation | Posted 10 Jan 2004 breaking into clans does have a point, as you see right now, it isn't possible to get into a clanhouse, and people can just hide in their clanhouses and what not. Adding exits takes that luxury away from people. |
Jakezor | Posted 10 Jan 2004 ok, and then i'll chill in my house and let anybody in my clan who doesn't have a house access to mine. |
Revelation | Posted 11 Jan 2004 i believe the same is going to apply for houses |
Jakezor | Posted 11 Jan 2004 alright, let's forget the whole fantasy aspect of Tempus and make it as real life as possible where some mortal can kill a gen 10 in one hit. There will no longer be any difference between a bronze dagger and a rainbow dagger. Screw mana, that doesn't exist in real life. All casting classes will be axed to provide in order to provide more "realistic" classes like armorsmith, weaponsmith, architecht, and dancers! Actually screw that, i'll just go work overtime at my job instead of playing a game because games should be accurate simulations of the real world. |
Heartsbane | Posted 9 Feb 2004 i'd just make my house arena :-p |
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