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Cast Posted 24 Apr 2006

I'm sure this is a problem for most players on tempus, once you die, everything u carry just goes down with ur body, and ur soul leaves with nothing and ur back to ur loading room. here's what i would like to see in the future in this mud, when a player dies in tempus, they loose everything they are carrying (with the exception of protected items), but i think this is not fair, because if ur in a heavilly mob populated place, then when u die, u basically lose all of ur eq and item that ur carrying. what i would like to see is that we can have the player lose 13 of their inventory or or 4 items from their inventory, if 13 is less than 4, and 20% chance of droping an eq, that way, death will be more acceptable. …I'm not really good at writing, and if the tone of this offends anyone, i'm sorry, i didn't mean it.


Tower Posted 24 Apr 2006

It really doesn't seem realistic that you'd only lose a couple items off your body when you died. It be like making the entire mud 13 arena (some of the aspects but not all of arena flag). Plus if you have an alias set to automatically retrieve your corpse when you die, unless you die in an unretrievable place or something eats your corpse, most of your stuff will still be in it when you retrieve. At this point I think enough stuff has been done to preserve eq for players (DT's mostly changing to DS's, new looting policy for pkill, etc) that it seems pretty fair to me.

Narcissus Posted 25 Apr 2006

I'd rather see equipment be more realistic, in that except for a few rare occasions people are equipped with the standard armours and weapons that you buy at the smithy's. That way dieing and losing your equipment means ponying up for a shiney new set at the shop, rather than it meaning spending another 3 months trying to pop that perfect Gruesome.

January Posted 5 May 2006

You can't say that keeping some equipment is out there thinking because the fact that you die over and over again and keep returning is pretty out there. It makes sense to me that your equipment would stay on your corpse, while your new body would have to find the old one to scavenge what you can from it. If you lose things when you die, then don't die. All fighting is a risk, and if don't like the risk, then don't go into the fight.

I also agree that good equipment shouldn't be solely limited to what you can pop from mobs. A decent set should be available at the armor shops. I can understand they might be priced a little high, but it makes more sense than thinking that the only eq worth having is eq you pop from mobs.

Cast Posted 6 May 2006

ya if only lysol can sell the eq that he's about to junk to the shops…

Brywing Posted 21 Nov 2007

An idea,

Before you die you can make an expensive deal with a retriever, the retriever would automatically retrieve your corpse and you would spawn holding it. This would be abysmally expensive to make it semi balanced, such as 10X the normal retrieval fee.

It would probably be too much code but if the retriever sold you a piece of eq you had to wear for the autoretrieve to work, the item is consumed in activation making it a one time use. Maybe even have the item be a stored retrieval spell that instantly activates on death.

What do you think?

Trust Posted 23 Nov 2007

Just a comment, maybe it is just the frustrated player in me, however losing 13 hp for dying once just seems to be a rather severe consequence.

Psionics are lucky if we earn 13 hp per level when leveling at gen 10, the last time I remorted was due to the fact that I was down to 850 hp from my original 1015 hp due to dying… and I wanted to replenish my max hp to a higher level.

Maybe make the hp loss softer or a percentage if it's a set amount of hp, say 0.5% which would be 5hp for someone with 1000 hp. Possibly even removing hp loss?

I love exploring and going all around the mud, however when I die during this and it has the consequence of losing almost 2% of of max hp PERMANENTLY it makes taking risks much less worth it.

Bushido Posted 23 Nov 2007

First of all, when you die with 0 lps you lose hp. So to stop losing hp when you die make sure you have enough life points to cover your apparent death.

Second of all to keep all your hit points STOP DYING!

Toy Posted 27 Jun 2008

or you could stop sucking down ambrosia's faster than you can keep alive… I know how gen 10's work, they hit 49 burn all their LP into Hp till they got 0, then run to some zone they cant do with 745 hp but now with 910 they can, but when they die 5 times and go back to 745 that tought them not to go there :P hp loss is the fault of the player not supporting his LP, Ambrosia is ment to be there to help with LP's not exploit hp…. sorry I just think its funky that gen 10's that whord gold to buy ambrosias to get more hp, im more than happy to sell ambrosias when I have em tho :P hey I need money to :D

Crescendo Posted 27 Jun 2008

i'm not nearly insane enough to go down to 0 lps :P that just seems like bad news bears

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