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Wolfsbane Posted 7 Mar 2015

Its great to see that there is a dedicated few that still keep this MUDD up and running. I was never really been good or even that proficient at Tempus but one of my joys was creating maps of zones and then sharing them. I often wonder if my maps of the Wemic Plain, Malevolent Circle, Dragonspine Mountains, Shade, Githyanki and a few of the first Elemental Plains, mainly air and fire, and a few others still float around the community. For this very reason I am sometimes very tempted to be pulled back into the fantastic world of Tempus for nothing more then to venture a new unexplored, or some times forgotten, areas and figure out all of its challenges and tricks, to find its treasures and to share what I've learned with others.

There are other times when I am in between games and I often wonder what it would be like to go back to Tempus and my mind wonders back to the "good ol' days" back in the late 1990s. When Fireball was still the Grimp. Clans and players would be on edge when characters like Cedric, Kano, Anicondis, Tatanka and Setzer would log on. When there was no such thing as randomizing of item stats. You felt like part of the cool crowd when you would be invited to run a zone with Gatekeeper, Corinth or Java. You were happy to see Tigger, Pixel or Reptile on as they would some times have some sort of fun type of quest to participate in. Seeing 5 people on would just mean that you were on super early and peak hours the numbers would climb to near 20 people online. Countless other people that made this game great and fun to play and continue to do so.

Unfortunately most, if not all, of the players that I used to play with have since passed on to other things. I do some times lurk logging on to read the news posts and change logs and am reminded of what fun and adventures that I used to have.

Omnipotent Posted 8 Mar 2015

Good to see you back Wolfs. Log on and join a quest. Will be fantastic fun!

Drystan Posted 8 Mar 2015

I personally enjoyed Wemic plains the most Mufasa :p Spent a fair amount of time in gith mav and epof. So thanks sir for all you've done. If you were to make some more zones I could play around in I wouldn't complain :p

ps a few of those older players you have mentioned do log on occasionally.


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