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MUD Fest: 2005
Wish Posted 11 May 2005

I am beginning to plan our annual MUD Fest for the summer of 2005, and am curious as to who would be interested in attending. I was thinking of holding it up here in Michigan, USA; renting a cottage by one of the great lakes for a few days.

This could change, and another spot could work too. At this stage I am mostly concerned with how many people would be interested.

For those of you who have never attended MUD Fest, it is a gathering of players and Immortals (and who ever else they bring) usually lasting a weekend. It is always fun meeting everyone, and we always have a blast.

To be decided upon would be the exact location, and the age limit. Eighteen would be the absolute minimum, though it might be bumped up to twenty-one.

Would you like to travel to meet other players and Immortals? If so, reply to this post with your thoughts.

  • wish *
Discretion Posted 11 May 2005

I wanted to attend last years Mud Fest.. but I never heard anything else about it. I'd love to come to one, as long as it doesn't involve cops!

Definitely keep me updated on what all is planned for it.

Reptile Posted 14 May 2005

Love to go. Doubt I'll have the cash to though. Never can tell… If I do go, I'll try to keep an extra 100$ around in case I need to make any trips to the local jail to bail out some hippy. :P

So count me as "Definitely going to try, but mortgage may take precedence"

Derandon Posted 14 May 2005

If I can get the cash to go, I'd love to. It's a possibility though! keep posting details!!

Toki Posted 17 May 2005

hmm…I might go too… if this US visa still works.. -ponders-

I have no clue which part of the US it is in tho. ( I'm an alien)

Toki Posted 18 May 2005

looks like i cant go… the air ticket costs a huge bomb. (750 pounds for a return)

Risque Posted 19 May 2005

Skelli and I are always up for mudfest, assuming we can swing the dinero to get there this year and also assuming its not during the time when we're going on vacation to Yellowstone with my parents which we have to do or we get disowned. Wow! I fit that all in one very long sentence. The grammar police will now be hunting me down.

Smurfette Posted 20 May 2005

i wish i could go… but i'm not anywhere near 18. :(

Nevermore Posted 21 May 2005

Nothing and I would love to come… we are taking my step son to see my parents in Ohio sometime this summer… maybe if it works out.. we can stop by during our visit up north. If not, I doubt we'll be able to swing two trips cross country this summer. His son just got out of school yesterday… so we have a 2.5 month window in which we may co-ordinate.

GRAMMER POLICE! Come arrest this entire thread please!

Brywing Posted 21 May 2005

it would be awesome to go, but there is that issue about paying for a ticket. cross country tickets damn expensive (checked) since i live out in CA, besides if you bump it up to 21 i'll just be a little short since i'll only be 20. next year perhaps. :-D

Crescendo Posted 25 May 2005

I'd be up for finally going as long as we can keep the age limit at 18 :P

Timeless Posted 25 May 2005

If it wasn't for the fact that I work and have no clue if I could get off, I would actually be interested in going out with Cresc. Carpool, all the way! Too bad it looks like we may be working at the same place…

Narcissus Posted 25 May 2005

If it is possible for me to be there, I'll be there.

Dolza Posted 25 May 2005

Hmm. i haven't been in years! keep the details coming. The wife and i could try and make that. I've never been up north so that would be a good time!


Drom Posted 26 May 2005

Lemmie know the date at least a month in advance, and I'll be there with bells on (Assuming there's no conflict with work deadlines n' such). Last time I check Michigan is a bit of a drive from here, but I can take some time offa work for it.

Narcissus Posted 18 Jun 2005

Any updates?

Wish Posted 20 Jun 2005

For those of you who would like more privacy, there are of course, hotels near by.

  • wish *
Sathrynn Posted 21 Jun 2005

I'm going to try and make this MUDFEST! Just keep the physical abuse on me to a minimum, I know you all want your shots and I'm sure I'll get drunk enough to cooperate :P

Lemme know how much to bring, and who to kill to get in :)

Reptile Posted 22 Jun 2005

Wanted to go - Its almost a definite I wont be going now. Need to save a bit for 7 months from now when I turn into a daddy… specially with the mommy doing school full time, and not working more than a day a week.

Reminder: Bring an ATM card in case you want to buy an "I spent 100$ at mudfest 2005, and all I got was this mangy Hippie" T-Shirt

Beware the dog slippers of war. They like finding comfy spots to sleep.

Ladies purses make an excellent fashion accessory for drunks passed out on the floor before anyone arrives.

Snugglebunnies should not be disturbed - even if you want to keep them together with duct tape.

If you cant duct it…

"Floater" - - describes the liquid topper on a jello shot, usually tequila or vodka.

Pickles must be eaten on sticks.

If you have a farmbred girlfriend - make sure you lock her in the stable securely before making the trip. An incident a few years ago left one mudder's wife-to-be as a pile of hamburger on I-80. Luckily they were comforted by some baaaaaaad jokes and another four legged friend.

Aereas Posted 1 Jul 2005

pouts No way to sneak past the age minimum?

Wish Posted 2 Jul 2005

I wish everyone could attend. However, since drinking and MUDFEST seem to go together, and because I'm responsible for the events in my home, the 21 age minimum must apply.

If you are 21+, you are cordially, uncordially, and in all other ways invited to attend the August 5-7 weekend events! It should be a blast this year.

If you aren't 21, we'll be thinking of you, and we will continue to set the standard for fun at MUDFEST 2005.

  • wish *
Reptile Posted 5 Jul 2005

Are there going to be 4 computers, side by side, with a grimp standing over your shoulder, watching in disgust as you find cheap ways of breaking various things on the mud (Such as the case of mudfest #1 whereupon some player took another players remort test in 30 seconds)?

Are there going to be a new group of pkillers created, and remorted in a space of 2 hours while the rest of the mud sleeps, only to have the 3 pkillers run around rampid, getting drunk, and trying to start their own clan, whereafter they try to annihilate anything that so much as looks at them funny?

Will the dog slippers of war be attending? What about the cuddlebunnies?

Most importantly - will there be jello?

Lovely Posted 5 Jul 2005

I was gonna try to make it this year, but since I'll be about 6 months pregnant then, it doesn't look like it'll happen for me. Hubby doesn't like going on roadtrips with me having to stop to pee every 30 minutes as it is ;-) Have a great time, and drink a few shots for me!

Reptile Posted 5 Jul 2005

Grats Chrissy. So you're due in like November? Do you know if it'll be a boy or a girl yet? I got one coming in February (Every time I see this month spelled, it always looks wrong) dunno if its a boy or a girl yet tho (only about 8 weeks in)

-your favorite cheerleader.

Wish Posted 5 Jul 2005


Congrats! You win the game of life.


We'll see! Every MUDFEST is different. Jello shots might be a good idea.

  • wish *
Insight Posted 7 Jul 2005

I'm down. Count me in altho I won't be arriving til early early Saturday morning (gotta work til 9pm friday nite)

Reptile Posted 7 Jul 2005

Bring pickles. Bring your own sticks (try looking in the shishkabob section of your local grocers freezer!) moo.

Kakarot Posted 8 Jul 2005

Hey me and my girlfriend are thingking about comming… She just dont know if she wants to go with a bunch of ppl she dont know :)…not realizing that i dont know anyone but one person that might be there….umm ill post back to let you know if we are gonna come…

Rahvin Posted 9 Jul 2005

uhh i'll be at mudfest 2010. As long as its after August 15th.

see you there.

Wish Posted 11 Jul 2005


I know how you and your girlfriend feel. I felt a bit odd driving across the country the first time I went to MUDFEST, travelling to meet people I did not know irl. Very strange indeed. But I must say that I am very happy that I did. Knowing some of the people behind the characters makes Tempus so much better.

Actually, bringing your girlfriend along will make things even easier for you.. but even if you didn't, the "weirdness" of not knowing everyone fades within a few minutes of arrival, and it's fun making new friends anyhow.

If you have the means and the time for MUDFEST 2005, I strongly urge you to attend. I wouldn't be hosting 'strangers' in my home this year if I didn't think it was worthwhile, and if I didn't know we would have a good time. The great thing about it is that there is a whole bunch of people who are much more than just Tempus players, who are interested in meeting you, smiling, drinking, and sharing stories.

Not knowing anyone is the perfect reason to go, cause soon you'll know everyone :D. I understand your hesitation, but it's totally worth it, and road trips and new experiences are fun.

  • wish * head architect * mudfest host * robotic turtle *
Hsu Posted 14 Jul 2005

Can we still come if we don't drink?

Regardless i wont hit 21 untill 2007.

Wish Posted 14 Jul 2005

Wish ya could holmes, but 21 is the min.

  • wish *
Shaba Posted 16 Jul 2005

As long as someone i like goes ill be there, im basicly there already :)

Wish Posted 18 Jul 2005


Drom Posted 19 Jul 2005

Well, I spose I'll toss mah hat into the ring. I've got some vacation stored up with no real thing to spend it on. Maybe I'll spend 16 hrs in a car to hang out with you wierdos.


Gasraidh Posted 20 Jul 2005

Nevermore, it's spelled "Grammar"

Wish Posted 20 Jul 2005

Oh, Cluck Cluck Cluck, Gasraidh, you're being a mother hen.

Come to MUDFEST, dammit! Reptile convinced me on the jello shots tip.


  • wish *
Drom Posted 22 Jul 2005

Welp, tis official. Just bought mah plane tix. I'll post the flight details once everythings fully arranged.

Wish Posted 30 Jul 2005

MUDFEST 2005 looks as if it's gonna be great this year. Here is a list of Tempus alumni that are sure or hopeful they can attend:

Wish (I'm hosting!)



Derandon/Sonarius (new builder)






…and whomever else shows up or they bring. Attend if you can! It's only one weekend a year, and a great vacation to meet your fellow players.

  • wish *
Wish Posted 9 Aug 2005

Thank to Drom and Conduct for a wonderful mudfest. See ya next year at the latest.

Temptation Posted 13 Sep 2005

Hey Charlie…Weren't you supposed to be posting some pictures for the rest of us unfortunate souls who couldn't make it to fest this year? impatient stomp of foot

Wish Posted 15 Sep 2005

Oh ya!

I'll do that

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