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Fantasy Football League
Dreamscape Posted 23 Aug 2005

I know there were a few people that didnt get into the fantasy football quest. If anyone is interested, I would like to run a league for mud cash. Im thinking everyone puts in like 2-5 mil, with the winner getting the pot. It doesnt cost any real money, and Ill explain how things run to anyone interested. Mud-mail me if it sounds like something you would be interested in. You will need to set up an email account with yahoo to participate.


Kakarot Posted 23 Aug 2005

Im down for that since im all quest banned and stuff :D


Bushido Posted 16 Aug 2007

For anyone interested in joining a league i will be starting one for those who want. i would like to have at least 8 teams so teams are a little more equal. if an imm happens apon this it is a pretty neat quest idea and has been ran pretty much every year for about 3 years or so. i will get the specifics back if ppl want to do it


Bushido Posted 16 Aug 2007

league is on yahoo

league name: Tempus FF '07 password: tempus

draft is schedueled for sept. 2nd at 12 if you want to draft your players or you can pre-rank them

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