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Comma Trigger
Rothdyn Posted 22 Oct 2003

I got tired of counting numbers to figure out how much stuff was in shops or how much I needed to level so I made this simple comma trigger to make things a little easier. It doesn't work perfectly with my prompt but it seems to work nicely for xp, gold, cash and item costs in shops, which is what I was looking for…. Anyway, hope it is helpful.

Pattern: (%d) Value: #substitute {%format( "&.0n", %1)}

Like I said simple but it gets the job done. Any improvements of this trigger or other cool triggers would be appreciated.


Ill Posted 5 Dec 2003

That is sincerely kickass.. Thanks for kicking so much ass sir. Because that trigger is gonna keep me from giving 10,000,000 to that guy who just sold me his title for 2 weeks.

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