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New combat system bugs
Lysolchip Posted 29 May 2004

Ok, since the first hit tracking/combat system has been put in, I've noticed a couple bugs.

1) There seems to be a bug with switching who you're fighting with when fighting multiple enemies. I especially notice this when I use ID insinuation. For example, I would use ID insin to have a bear and a lion start fighting each other, then I start attacking the bear. Before the bear dies, I want to switch and start fighting the lion, but it doesn't seem to let me. If I type kill lion, I'll slash it once and then go back to fighting the bear.

This problem also happened when I was in abyss, causing me to die. I was in the room with the succubus that block the room exit. Anyway there was also a balor demon in the room that initiated fighting me with. I wanted to kill the succubuses that were guarding the room, so that I could flee out. But, when I tried to attack a succubus, it wouldn't let me actively fight it, I was still fighting the balor.

2) Psychic surge doesn't seem to stun anymore. I however do notice that you can surge and stun if something is defending me or if 2 mobs are already fighting each other.

For example, I was fighting bone devils in hell, and everytime I tried surging them, they would never be stunned. However, when I went with Insight and he was tanking a bone devil, I was able to surge it and stun it. I'm not sure if this is a bug with the combat system or with psychic surge, but there is definitely something weird.

3) The thief skill circle doesn't seem to work properly either. Even if I'm not actively fighting a mob and assisting someone else, it still won't let me circle. I think this has to do with the new combat system.

I noticed during one of Logic's quests when we were a huge group of people that I could assist anyone who was fighting. This is really weird, because only Insight was tanking. If say, Insight initatied battle, and Nubi assisted him, I could then assist Nubi. Before, it would say something like "he isn't fighting anyone right now" if the person isn't actively tanking. Essentially, I think this is what the problem is with circle. Anyone who is fighting, even if they are assisting is considered to be actively fighting. So, as a result, you can't circle while fighting, even if assisting.

Butthead Posted 2 Jun 2004

i'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but spells that do damage over ticks automatically start combat with the caster and the mob affected, even if the mob can't see the player

Lysolchip Posted 27 Jul 2004

Oh other thing I noticed about psychic surge (not sure if this is intentional or not), but it doesn't really stun. It kinda stuns for half a seconds and the person falls to the ground, and they can immediately get up, in contrast to a thief, monk, mage stun when it says You are stunned or whatever.

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