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Thrax Posted 23 Dec 2005

This is one of my all-time fav muds, but one thing has kept me from playing regularly is the rent. In my opinion, a mud shouldnt punish you for being away… it should make you want to come back. I am busy irl, and dont have time to be on every day. I would love to make this my main mud, but just cant do it without messing up my chars. I have played here before, in various forms (Groveler, stickyfingers, inferno)but just cant do it anymore. I think rent should either be drastically lowered, or taken out completely. Please reply

Narcissus Posted 24 Dec 2005

I agree

Red Posted 24 Dec 2005

I also agree. I don't play much anymore, and each time I log on, my inventory disapears. Of course I can get around this, but why bother? There are so many ways to cheat around this, but I just don't find it worth it. I would like to be able to come on whenever and socialize, and not lose my inventory every time.

Dolza Posted 24 Dec 2005

Just going to chime in agreeing with what the others are saying. I've played since college. but now with a full time job and getting ready for kids i can really only play on the weekends. When you coe in to cash being very low or having lost items makes it hard to get going again.

I guess i understand the need for rent in some form but perhaps you could limit characters to a certain number of items instead of charging gold. that would cut down on how much you could keep as a packrat…..like 25 heroin needles and keep people from just keeping too much stuff in their house. Not sure what the limit could be though. Wouldn't want to handicap players.


Betryal Posted 27 Dec 2005

I agree. Rent is exorbitant. I agree with a rental system and I know it's based on the values of the items. You basically pay for what you own. But I think, especially if you own your own house, that rent shouldn't be so much. You shouldn't be penalized for owning good things and a lot of things because you own the house.

Cast Posted 18 Jan 2006

ya, i think rent should cost according to your lvl, because lower lvl characters are not able to make as much.

Narcissus Posted 19 Jan 2006

If you type offer at an inn, the bottom line is an adjustment. This adjustment is based on level and I imagine a few other things. If you notice that the adjustment is x.80 for example. You're actually only paying %80 of the total rent of the items.

Brywing Posted 19 Jan 2006

level and charisma

Cast Posted 2 Feb 2006

so if i maxed my charistma, i can pay less for my rent?

Brywing Posted 3 Feb 2006

yes, and for shops and training skills. plus you get more cash when you sell items.

Cast Posted 4 Feb 2006

wow, didn't know charistma does that… my cha are 10 since ever..

Cast Posted 5 Feb 2006

I would like to see some thing new about rent, i think that after four days of renting, the game should automatically cryo your character for you, because sometimes things come up and i could lose my internet connection for weeks, and i would not have a chance to cryo my character. and it takes a long time for me to get all that gold for renting like days…

Lysolchip Posted 15 Feb 2006

Charisma is really nice to have if you want to save money. Like Brywing has said, charisma affects the amount you pay for rent, the amount a shop charges you, the amount a shop will buy an item from you for, the amount it costs to train skills/spells, the amount it costs to improve a stat, and the amount it costs to specialize in a weapon. By doing something as simple as removing your -cha equipment and putting on +cha equipment before you buy things, you can save yourself millions in gold over a few weeks.

Lysol's little tips to save big money: -If possible, rent in a house or at a clan inn. They give a little more of a discount that the city inns don't give. -Nose ring chimes have +7 charisma on them. Wear 2 of em and you have a whooping +14 right there! -If you know you're going to be gone, cyro yourself. It will cost you 4 days of rent to cryo for an indefinite amount of time, so if you're going to be gone for more than 4 days, then you'll save money this way. -If you're not active, cyro your multis. What's the point of having a fully equipped multi that you're not gonna play till you remort the one you're currently playing? They're just sucking up your resouces as we speak. -If you've been gone for a while and are afraid of equipment repossession, make a new character or log an unequipped multi and put some money in the bank before you log your main character. Rent is taken from you when you log your character. So if you log a multi, put money in the bank, then you'll have money to cover when you unrent your equipped character. -Sell! sell! sell! You can make lots of money over time by simply selling that crappy equipment that halflings drop. It's just lying there, why not use it? -Store spare equipment on a cryoed level 1 character. You'll pay 4 days rent and the equipment will be frozen in time until you need it. If you really want to be cheap, remove all your equipment from your main character before you rent, give it to a level 1 multi, and have that multi rent. Rent is cheaper the lower level your character is.

In my opinion, rent shouldn't be a problem if you're an active player. There are plenty of places to make money and many opportunities to save money. You just have to think about it as consciously as you think about leveling your character. And if you're not active, then get rid of those 20 spare pieces of equipment and cryo your characters. Anyway, those are my 2 cents or is it 2 mill…?

Lysolchip Posted 15 Feb 2006

Wow that formatting really didn't turn out how I wanted it…oh well..

Red Posted 16 Feb 2006

Lysol gimme 1000000 mil! I need to rent. Share plz.

Cast Posted 20 Feb 2006

Where does the nose chime load?

Carne Posted 21 Feb 2006


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