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What EQ do you miss?
Wish Posted 24 May 2007

Miss the dragon's wings? or ring of viscera? Lemme know!

Frychu Posted 24 May 2007

jawbone of lord suzerain!

golden cowl! (or some other awesome eq that gives invis)

jade mask! (or some other high-level good knight holy symbol)

TOWER Posted 24 May 2007

Scythe of Death, Inquisitor's Hood

Merriam Posted 7 Jun 2007

Fighting Sticks Axe of Ultimate Evil My oedited Malbolge gear

Ecstacy Posted 16 Jan 2008

Axe of the Underworld, Claymore :P

Ecstacy Posted 16 Jan 2008

and Skull of the Red Dragon with sanc on it =P

Tower Posted 17 Jan 2008

Rabbits food that isn't !KNI. Doesn't this load on a knight searching for the holy grail…so why would it be !KNI?

Tower Posted 17 Jan 2008

Uhh…clearly that is supposed to FOOT in the last post. In my defense even a spell-checker would've have saved me. Anyway, how about roll of gauze that gives regen worn up ass. Always a good fit for any player. Also, I really liked the astrolabe's from laby and the tunable transporters of the past. And by past I mean Tempus's history, as I know they load in the future.

Frostflower Posted 18 Jan 2008

I missed Piped Deadlies Pharmacope Implants Neural Psiblockers Battleaxe of the Underworld Old Hazard Claws

More will come to me when I can think of it.

Deneb Posted 18 Jan 2008

All that stuff just makes getting buff too easy. I don't miss anything.

…Maybe pharms for throwing. blink

Tower Posted 18 Jan 2008

I miss the days of collecting tons of those syringes at the EC docks that caused drowsy and injecting players and doing stuff to them whilst they slept (like a creepy dentist)

Ecstacy Posted 21 Jan 2008

^ those sneaky sedatives rocked the house!

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