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Fantasy Football 2008
Teratoma Posted 27 Jun 2008

Ok so I have had a few folks ask about a fantasy football quest. I was gonna try to do it anyway cause I personally am a fantasy football junky. So I will be running a league for tempus this year.

It will work like this….

Each weeks winners will recieve 1 qp for regular season wins. Once the playoffs come around the weekly winners will recieve 2 qps.

The Super Bowl winner will receive 3 qps and a special prize. The loser will receive just 3 qps for making it to the end.

Relic Posted 28 Jun 2008

Sweet… Im in =P

Toy Posted 28 Jun 2008

when can we draft?

Teratoma Posted 29 Jun 2008

The draft will probably be the last sunday of preseason

Riffe Posted 29 Jun 2008

Do we have to be active on the game to participate in this quest? I'm cryo'd for personal reasons ATM… This is probably the most genius thing you've come up with :-p


Teratoma Posted 30 Jun 2008

the only reason you would have to log on would be to get your weekly quest point and such

Teratoma Posted 15 Jul 2008

Ok i know it's really early but I'm like hardcore into fant. football. So the league is created and ready for you to join and rank your players.

There will be a live draft Aug. 16 at noon if anyone actually wants to sit there for that. I personally will be pre-ranking my players as I have my other leagues draft that day.

The scoring system that we have for this league is alot like my keeper league. There is no defenses in this league, but I added 2 other spots in receivers and running backs.

League Name - Tempus FF '08

League Id - 161983

League Pass - tempusmud

I can't remember which pair of those you will need to join the league so I gave them all to you.

Also after you join you can use this to go right to the homepage http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/tempusfantfoot

Oh, also the league is a max of 8 teams. So hurry and get your spot.

Teratoma Posted 15 Jul 2008

Just so you know you have to have a yahoo account to be able to join league. It only takes a couple of minutes to create one.

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