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Quest Ideas
Deneb Posted 5 Jul 2008

Teratoma has been doing a good job of keeping the pk quests alive as of late so I thought I could throw out some more ideas to spruce it up even more.

As far as the Panda Cup goes, we could add additional features to the tournament to make it more…unique:

Insert trump cards into the mix! Players are given trump cards (not the same for everyone) that can be used before or during the match. When a player uses a trump card, it must be announced (that way using it during the match will have its advantage.) Use of a trump card will last for the duration of the match. Only two trump cards can be used per match. The way players obtain their trump card may be considered as a quest of its own. Play trivia for them or something.

So here are some ideas for trump cards that players can use…


+200 HP

+20 damroll

+10 damroll, +30 hitroll

-20 sav_spell

-20 phys

-20 breath

-20 psi

-125 armor

+10 speed

opponent cannot use body eq

opponent cannot use wielded eq or second wielded eq

opponent will be poisoned, entropy field'd, stigmatized, psychic crushed, motor spasmed and gravity welled by the imm. (maybe motor spasm should be left out)

opponent will have to wear +10 sav_everything eq

opponent will be confused by the imm

Arena switch (trump card user will decide which zone they will battle)

That's all I can think of for now, I'll post more later.

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