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Maxing Attributes
Relic Posted 21 Jan 2012

I am sure I am not the only one who is experiencing frustration with the new attribute system that has been implemented into the mud. My assumption is that the change is supposed to be more beneficial to the players and the mud as a whole however, I honestly do not know how, nor do I not see it that way. As a player, I find it frustrating to have gen 10's that at one point had maxed out stats and now do not because it was basically reduced by 50% (2550). While logged on one day I remember seeing a conversation about maybe implementing a system to improve stats over time by renting at a designated place. This is a great idea and I fully support being able to improve a character using something other than life points. What happened to that idea is it still a possibility or has it been scratched?

The only solutions I see left are: 1. revamping eq to get as close to 50 as possible which would most likely change the characters setup completely and would be overly difficult for many people. Or 2. remorting to increase attributes, this would not be as big of an issue for me if I had not invested quest points and ambrosias into some of my characters as many others have. Remorting now would just be a waste of these qp's which are hard to come by. For new players or those that are still relatively low gen the affect of this change will not be as rough but for the majority of players who have invested a lot into particular characters its seems as though we are basically screwed.

I understand that changes are made to help improve the the mud, and appreciate the hard work of all those involved. It just seems that changes are being put into place without considering the effects it will have on established players who generally are the most active people on the mud.

Azimuth Posted 23 Jan 2012

You seem to be thinking that a 25 int is half of what it used to be, now that the max is 50. That's not true: a 25 int is identical to what it used to be, and a 50 int is double the effect of a 25 int.

The max natural stat is now 18 + racial modifier + gen. The max stat available with enchantments is now 50. This is WAY beyond the power levels available beforehand, so I'm not sure what the griping is about.

I did have planned a system where you could increase stats by logging off in various locations. I still think it's a cool idea. It's also a complex one that takes a lot of time.

Deneb Posted 23 Jan 2012

Knowing that actually makes me want to play again.

Red Posted 5 Feb 2012

I did a little testing today with the help of Flexsis to show you the difference of 25 intelligence versus 50 intelligence for a gen 10 Mage. He used his gen 10 Barb, who has over 2000 hit points naked. For those that don't know, the damage cap for a gen 10 is 1960 for any single hit (spells included, although I do believe each individual hit of a Monk's combo can reach this cap…could be wrong). Therefore, with 2000+ hit points, he should never die within one Prismatic Spray, and shouldn't save versus it, although for some reason he did exactly 50% of the time for each test.

Here are my stats in my normal gear for the first test: Level: 49, Hits: 1182, Mana: 3517 AC: -367, Thac0: 12, Hitroll: 91, Damroll: 111 Str: 42, Int: 25, Wis: 27, Dex: 27, Con: 24, Cha: 34

Intellect: 25 Spell used: Prismatic Spray State of victim: Standing, no buffs, 0 sav_spell Damage done: 933, 458, 401, 936, 506, 874 Average damage done: 685 Average damage done when victim did not save: 914 Average damage done when victim saved: 455

Next, I swapped some gear around for the second test: Level: 49, Hits: 947, Mana: 3247 AC: -239, Thac0: 12, Hitroll: 65, Damroll: 82 Str: 42, Int: 50, Wis: 37, Dex: 29, Con: 24, Cha: 48

Intellect: 50 Spell used: Prismatic Spray State of victim: Standing, no buffs, 0 sav_spell Damage done: 1439, 765, 1320, 663, 1288, 680 Average damage done: 1026 Average damage done when victim did not save: 1349 Average damage done when victim saved: 692

To sum up the results…with 50 intelligence, the average Prismatic Spray did 341 more damage, 435 more when the victim did not save versus it, and 237 more when the victim did save versus it. Keep in mind this is a naked victim. I also tested it on a fully geared/buffed Cleric and my standing Prismatic Spray with 50 intelligence averaged 100 damage to him, and 60 damage with 25 intelligence.

Honestly, I was expecting a greater damage modifier with twice the amount of intelligence. Sure, there is a difference, but you will sacrifice a large amount of other stats, especially AC and Damroll. I'm not sure if it's worth it to stack stats other than to level with. 50 intelligence also produces the same -94 enchant on armors, just like with 25 intelligence.

Red Posted 5 Feb 2012

Seriously…when is Realm-Z going to know that when I press enter and type something on the next line, I really want it to go onto the next line?

Azimuth Posted 5 Feb 2012

I'm sorry your expectations were disappointed.

Brywing Posted 5 Feb 2012

The difference is more that a person with max attributes can have the same amount of mana and HP at the end of gen 10 as Red currently has with all his gear and oedits and quest prizes now.

Red Posted 14 Feb 2012

Actually that's false…they will have more.

Deneb Posted 14 Feb 2012

How do you know this? Have you tested it?

Red Posted 15 Feb 2012

Yes I have.

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