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Loading equip
Drystan Posted 3 Dec 2012

Alright i fig get rid of the max load on items since everything is random drops anywyas. I mean hey all you guys house this and this and this so i can hopefully get one before the next reboot/crash is beyond silly. And if i finally do get one to load its garbage anyways. I love the random drop idea nothin is more rewarding then finally getting that perfect load, but hate the max load on crap so you can only load it if noone is playing.

Also! If you guys are idling to keep rent down can you do so naked? I know i would appreciate that


Merriam Posted 3 Dec 2012

As a player, it's really weird to run around with 4-5 pieces in my house. If I get an average load on the leggings of destruction, it's weird that to dry for better I need to put them away and wear junk gear.

Deneb Posted 4 Dec 2012

i like idling naked but i don't like max loads on objects.

i guess it kind of evens itself out. one's limiting and the other isn't so limiting.

Shaba Posted 4 Dec 2012

It should just be that being in your house counts the stuff you are wearing as not in the game. That's my personal opinion anyway.

Slip Posted 15 Jan 2013

This is something that over the past few months has really struck a nerve. Loading most eq is a pain as it is. I love that you have to work to get the perfect piece of eq because of the random stat drop. I really loathe asking 5 people to house gear while also having to house my own just to hopefully get one half-assed load then wash/rinse/repeat.

I would say dropping the maxload on items would be the best way to go because you are never guarenteed to get a perfect piece anyway. Why put everyone through the crappiness that is having ask people to take off eq and put it in their house.

Another thing that i think would help would be to make it to where if you are in your house afk that your eq and or items you are carrying are considered housed because you are in fact in your house. Some of these things may have been touched on in this thread i just forget. Thanks!

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