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EC Revealer Breaking News: NEO Hydroelectric Facility Re-opens
Azimuth Posted 23 Oct 2013

Following some major renovations, the NEO Hydroelectric Facility is once again in operation. The NEO Corporation has been the sole provider of electrical power to Electro Centralis and the surrounding areas, and the new facility promises an era of cheap, available power meeting the people's needs for the foreseeable future.

The new facility also has a new visitor's center, where the NEO Corporation hopes to attract tourists who would like to know more about where their power comes from. The dam overlook provides a impressive opportunity for sightseeing. People of all ages and species are invited. City residents get a special discount!

We interviewed Neil Capitan, a NEO spokesperson, and he had this to say:

"While most of the facility is open to the public, the NEO Corporation asks that visitors please stay in the designated areas, for their safety and the safety of others. The NEO security forces have received a significant boost in order to keep the facility safe for employees and visitors."

When asked about the recently publicized threats from the

terrorist organization Open Sky, Capitan lost his temper.

"There ain't no terrorist threat. It's just a bunch of kids tryin' to yank our chains. Look, even if there was, the security we got now, we can take 'em."

Tower Posted 23 Oct 2013

I like how everyone reading this is thinking "Sweet, I can't wait to go there and murder everyone and take all their stuff." I wish real life grand openings were as fun.

Diamond Posted 26 Oct 2013

Great zone! Thanks Origin. Tower, yeah I killed them and took their stuff, hahah.

Brywing Posted 25 Feb 2014

Pretty cool zone!

I love how many little quests there are.

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