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In Game Rent or Out of Game Donation.
Brywing Posted 25 Jan 2014

Hi All,

Throwing an idea out there.

Instead of paying rent someone could set up a recurring payment of $3-4 a month (exact number is arbitrary with a service like http://www.patreon.com or Paypal

I would be more than happy pay $4 a month to be rid of having to spend hours every week making rent money.

As a somewhat related idea: Perhaps with houses this could translate to having the first 50 items in each room free, then a flat rate per additional item, getting more expensive the more items you have.

What do you think? This money could be used to help pay for server time, advertising for the mud and much more.

Brywing Posted 25 Jan 2014

I post this because I think there are far better ways to get people to log-on than rent which feels too rat race like.

When my normal life feels more relaxing and less rat race-y than a mud because I'm constantly being drained of money then there's something wrong.

Merriam Posted 27 Jan 2014

This is not allowed based on the license agreement for the CircleMUD codebase, on which TempusCode is derived.

Tower Posted 27 Jan 2014

Brywing you can just start paying me IRL for mud money.

Srs though, you should use the consignment shop to sell items of worth for massive amounts of rent money. Same concept, more legal.

Shaba Posted 28 Jan 2014

Alright so we can't take money to help the game, but selling in-game stuff to Eternal for IRL money is cool, right, Merriam?

Merriam Posted 28 Jan 2014

No, money can't exchange hands for any reason. It's all part of the CircleMUD license. Wish, and I believe Azimuth also, are clear on this. (In regards to that event from 11 years ago, I didn't know this rule and also needed money to pay my college tuition, which seemed a more noble pursuit. After Eternal wrote a fake e-mail, supposedly from me, which supposedly included threats to his life, the imm making the decision had to of course act on what he supposed to be true, and all my characters were deleted. Something I don't wish on anyone.)

Merriam Posted 28 Jan 2014

Also I never actually got the money, but I did work out paying my tuition.

Tower Posted 28 Jan 2014

Wow, the circlemud gestapo sounds pretty intense!

Azimuth Posted 28 Jan 2014

So… Here's the license if you care to read it yourself: http://www.circlemud.org/license.html . Notice that it doesn't say anything about players exchanging money, just that the administrators can't accept it. The prohibition against players exchanging money with each other was a policy matter, one that you won't find anymore.

It's not really the MUD's business what you do with your cash.

Brywing Posted 29 Jan 2014

Hmmm oh well. Thanks for the responses everyone. That license agreement seems to limit out ability to support the game a lot.

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