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The New Holy Square
Nevermore Posted 15 Jan 2004

I put this at the end of a thread, but I'll make it into a new topic so it can actually be seen.

Everyone is complaining about losing the social aspect of Tempus because you cant congregate in HS safely anymore…

Why don't you guys hang out in the arena?


1) You die.


1) No drawbacks of dying.

2) You can kill someone for saying something stupid with no hard feelings and relieve some tension the proprietor of the stupid remark caused. The gods only know how many times I wanted to do that while chatting in HS.

3) Everyone knows where it is thats been on for more than a week and its easy to find for those that havent. Hell, maybe we can talk Wish or Azi into moving the portal to HS.

4) Im sure there is more… but Im too tired to think of anything.

Jakezor Posted 17 Jan 2004

That's an excellent idea.

Ill Posted 19 Jan 2004

Yea, terrific. Brilliant stuff.

Arial Posted 19 Jan 2004

why dont we make HS a one roomed arena? then we can sit there and talk with no worries and dont lose the regular aspect of HS-sitting. People dont like change.

Nevermore Posted 19 Jan 2004

Change is inevitable (except from vending machines)… its just something you have to deal with. If we made HS an arena.. people would flee and die and make my job a lot worse.

Its a simple idea.. maybe move the portal and you have to type one extra thing when you get to HS to idle and BS and whatnot.

Arial Posted 19 Jan 2004

if you idle in arena you will die and have to spell up and stuff and thats a huge pain in the ass for me. ill sit in the arena in my house =/

Risque Posted 19 Jan 2004

I think moving the portal so that people can idle safely in arena is a nifty idea as long as it isn't abused by people who run out and kill and then hide in arena.

Nevermore Posted 19 Jan 2004

They can do that now anyways… its just 5 more rooms past HS.

Risque Posted 19 Jan 2004

Heh…good point

Stumbles Posted 19 Jan 2004

but if is just arena and not nvz then sneaky little thieves can still steal from you also…

Stumbles Posted 19 Jan 2004

and the more i thinnk about it there are quite a few ways ppl could still screw with you..motor spasm…charm…….would pretty much need to watch your back as much as if you were sitting in hs…i like my clannies..but would sure like to sit in hs and bs with some of the other cool ppl on tempus also…

Nevermore Posted 20 Jan 2004

You are absolutely right about the sneaky little wretches that would psteal from you in the arena.

However, that is against the rules of the arena and would be dealt with swiftly. Even if you are reduced to idling in your house or clanhouse or other area that is equally "safe." The arena is still a safer place than most to chat, exchange items and gold from auction and so on.

The facts are painfully clear though: There are no NVZs. They are gone and in all likelihood are not coming back. If some of you want to refuse to face facts and reject a simple solution to what has been made into a huge problem, then you are shutting yourselves off to the grand social aspect that is Tempus and not the other way around. If that is the case, I apologize for trying to help.

Zeddicus Posted 20 Jan 2004

ehh you cant charm in arena

Jakezor Posted 20 Jan 2004

Maybe all of modrian be set arena? Setting only one room arena (Holy Square) could result in actual deaths should someone flee from the room.

I'm sure everyone would be greatful if the portal to the arena was moved to HS.

Also, thieving people in the arena was never a problem, so I don't see why that wouldn't be a good solution.

Stumbles Posted 20 Jan 2004

but yea your right…im a sad sheltered mudder that doesnt like change gasp faint…but if they did indeed fix the charm thing in arena (was possible for many years) and if it were illegal to steal…then i guess we would have to just get used to it…..of course at this point…after weeks of sittin in the same room in the clan house when im not doin something i think im about ready to sit any where else…as long as misc isnt there…

Drom Posted 23 Jan 2004

There are plans to expand the functionality of the guildhouses in Modrian. The idea is to include a relaxing room and a receptionist. No this isn't perfectly safe, but you at least have a guard keeping all but your guildies out. The guildhouses in Electro would also have to be modified.

Ultimately, the goal of the new system is for the cityguards to be the deterent to pk inside city limits. How effective they will be has yet to be fully seen.

The arena's location has always seemed random to me. However, I don't think it should be in Holy Square either. It would make more sense to be attached to a bar or tavern, rather then just hanging out in the Mercenary Quarter. On the other hand, there should be a sort of rough-and-tumble bar in the mercenary quarter (I mean, they're mercenaries… they obviously need a place to drink).

Panzer Posted 24 Jan 2004

Having the city guards/holy defenders is ineffective for a number of reasons:

1) they're fairly easily for a high remort to kill (especially the regular guards)

2) they don't react fast enough to attacks (just yesterday I witnessed someone getting hit 4 times and having to flee, only to be killed one square over)

3) even if they were all beefed up, there aren't enough of them. Maybe if you had them stationary in each room it might work (I say might)

Being a newbie, I am unsure as to what the background story is about taking the non-violence areas out. Why was this done?

If the Holy Square were to become a NVZ again, here's an idea of how it could work:

Bubba the thief stuns and steals some things from James the Knight while James was riding into town.

Bubba flees to the Holy Square knowing that he cannot be attacked there. Bubba attempts to use his recall item to return to his house to sort through what he took–but finds that the HS has been flagged a no-recall room.

James gathers up 3 of his friends to "camp" outside of the HS and wait for Bubba to leave. Or, James pays for people to wait for Bubba (if he doesn't have any friends).

Bubba has to make a choice: strike a deal with James to save getting pk'd by James' friends lying in wait, or take the chance that he can make a break for it.

Just some thoughts…trying to get some ideas going :)

Storm Posted 24 Jan 2004

It's an interesting thought, except in that case you won't run to Holy Square first thing before going to your house, you'd just recall straight to your clan or house. Most people do that anyway, as the clanhouse or house is safer than walking around in Modrian. Not to mention that depending on what time of day you've been stolen from you might not even have enough friends logged on to surround the exits from holy square.

P.S. I think there is a rough and tumble bar in the Mercenary's Quarter… it's like a newbie leveling place called "The Headbasher's Hangout." It comes complete with a room called "The Brawling Yard" for newbies to take out some aggression.

Drom Posted 24 Jan 2004

That's what I had in mind Storm. In fact, I did it. The Arena portal is now located in the Brawling Yard north of the Headbasher's Hangout.

I removed the special that prevents anyone below level 10 from entering the establishment, and removed the aggressive nature of the guys in the brawling yard.

While I was at it, I worked on the bartender a little, and set the bar to a comfortable room.


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