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an idea for PKing
Ragnarok Posted 1 Feb 2004

allright so after haveing been in the mud for about a month or two i have allready seen players come and leave solely for the fact of some people who do NOTHING in game except pk people, only aiming at people far below them. I for one find this INSANELY upsetting, as well as many many players who have quit or sit in their houses or clanhouse because their afraid of getting pked. I know pking is a huge part of this awsome mud, but the way its set up is the biggest problem. i came up with an idea that would be pretty good as a base for you to work off of and come up with better ideas, anyways i was thinkin instead of it being a freeforall newbie killing game you ciuld set it up so that you cant attack someone who is a gen lower than you without first giving a "challenge" command and them accepting it, course. course then alota people would say thats unfair cuz they like to kill people lower than them, then have it set up for 2 gens. another problem would be if a mort steals from a gen 8 how does the gen 8 get redemption for it? have it set that so if someone steals from you, you can kill them. course that could be unfair cuz a thief could come in and you sit there spamming kill in case they do try and steal from you, then set it so that its only if you catch them. another idea would be (sorry to jack someone elses idea) if someone pk's you or steals from you they cant log for a minute or something. Anyways its not a perfect plan but hey somethin to work off of :)

Kakorat Posted 3 Feb 2004

ok i kinda like that idea since yesterday i was killed twice: once by kraz who gave me my eq back, and once by inspectah who had remorse stun me. and after the fact inspectah logged on one of his multis which was a a noob that i couldnt kill. this i think is unfair cause i came back in hs when he looted my corpse and all i could to was sit and watch with my thumb up my ass. that i think is bullshit cause if they kill me big deal but when i catch them looting me and all i can do is sit there and watch isnt fair. the way the pk is set up on here is all wrong. like i said i have no prob gettin killed im mean shit its happened 5 times to me already. ill get my revenge sooner or later but thats not the point. if someone already has a high gen char and a newb char then their newb should not be protected under the policy. they already know alot aboot the mud and prolly wont quit if there newb dies. i think it should be like this esspecially if someone is in my position. if he would of been logged on his main char at least i could of tried to kill him to get my stuff back. its a simple process that needs to be looked at because ppl are overabusing there power in this game and nothing is being done aboot it.

Hans Posted 4 Feb 2004

Go gettem tiger!!!

Elric Posted 5 Feb 2004

I've said this before, but I think once a pkiller actually kills a person, they shouldn't be able to logoff for 15 minutes or some arbitary time period. It would prevent the situation you are reporting above, however it wouldn't stop a pkiller from just sitting in their house for the time period either :p

Drom Posted 5 Feb 2004

Or just dropping link. They'll be forced to rent at 4x rent for a bit, but, hey, not a big deal, they got all the gold or cash you were carrying.

Kakorat Posted 6 Feb 2004

i think droms idea is good…even tho they never get money from me i dont carry money around

Hans Posted 9 Feb 2004

yeah i keep my gold in the bank for that reason, and since im sooooooooooooooooooooo hated, i only use hans for revenge. Anyone who dosent like me can go to hell.

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