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places after 40
Ullysses Posted 5 Mar 2004

whats good spots for 40+ without THE PERFECT SET OF EQ, like a average person -100 axe or somethin, vamps slap vrats no xp left :P borgs in ecu ow? gateborgs wheres sleep when you need it

Panzer Posted 5 Mar 2004

Well, the Sales Reps at Kiddy Kandy 4n4w3n;open door u; u; open door n; 2n

The Secretaries there are a bit tougher..and watch out for the Tired Parents..they're Psi's.

Also, the Fail mansion: e3sw6se Might be a place to check out.

Be careful of the PArty kids..they're Psi's too.

Might stick to hoverskaters for awhile.

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