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Newbie Help
Red Posted 30 Oct 2012

I think there needs to be something that tells newbies where to go, and what zones they are able to do at certain levels. The "area" command is not very accurate, nor does it include real newbie zones like the Monastary, Halflings, or Hobgoblins, or Ogres. I think these zones are key to get newbies the levels they need to really learn the game.

Maybe have a mini quest giver that gives them a quest scroll, that gives them objectives, such as "Kill 20 halfling guards", or "Return 5 halfling ring mails", and eventually "Defeat the halfling King". Rewards don't necessarily have to be given (I know that would require some coding). But it gives them objectives and exp in the process.

A newbie directions board would be helpful as well, with "semi-exact" directions to the newbie zones. No newbie is really going to find the Halfling Village without some general points of directions. This game has no visuals, so it's not like they can see a Cave or a Village from a distance.

Here is something I came up with that could be of some assistance for newbies.

Level 1-5 Ancient Monestary Level 1-10 Halflings Level 1-10 Cybertech Preparatory School Level 5-10 Kobold Tunnels Level 5-10 Bourbon Theater (actors/techies/musicians) Level 8-15 Elven Woods Level 10-20 EC Military Level 10-20 Ogre Camp Level 10-20 Silver Tower Level 10-20 Ruins of Silver Tower Level 10-20 Harpell House Level 10-20 Hobgoblins Level 10-20 Arachnos Level 10-20 Castle Silvendark Level 10-15 Chessboard of Araken Level 10-20 Wyllowood Level 10-25 Zul'Dane/Zul'dane Ministries Level 15-25 Electro Centralis University Level 15-25 Highlord Fortress (not colored dragons) Level 15-30 Kiddie Kandy Incorporated Level 20-25 Electro Centralis Nuclear Powerplant Level 20-30 Caves of Learander Level 20-30 Elemental Plane of Air Level 25-30 Elemental Plane of Water Level 25-30 Malevolent Circle Level 25-35 Ancient Temple Level 25-35 Hill Giant Steading Level 25-35 Frozen Tundra Level 25-35 Fail Family Legacy Level 30-35 Merqury City Level 30-35 Zhengi's Castle (Bosses not doable) Level 30-35 Archaelogical Dig Level 30-35 Death Row (certain named mobs and guards not doable) Level 30-35 Forgotten Valley (bosses not doable) Level 33-35 Abandoned Keep Level 30-40 Network Communications Tower Level 35-49 Elemental Plane of Earth Level 35-49 Elemental Plane of Fire Level 35-49 Elemental Plane of Ice Level 35-49 Bourbon Theater (vampires) (bosses not doable) Level 35-49 Dracharnos (Peons/Prisoners) Level 35-49 Mavernal Level 40-45 Level 1 Abyss (Goristros not doable) Level 40-49 Amoria Level 40-49 Dismal Delve (certain mobs undoable) Level 40-49 Level 2 Abyss(Boss/Goristros/Balors not doable) Level 40-49 Undermountain Level 40-49 Wemics Level 40-49 The Virtual World

Of course most of these zones are gear-dependent, and most newbies won't have any good gear at all. A way to fix this is to have +MORT gear from low level zone bosses that are actually good and helpful to newbies. Give newbies a small container to start with, or perhaps a light. Very crucial in the beginning.

Red Posted 30 Oct 2012

I don't know why posting line after line is so ridiculous on this website. It should come out exactly how I type it…

Tower Posted 30 Oct 2012

Mini quest idea is great. "Get 10 halfling sword and sell at the weapon master." Quest is its own reward with experience, exploration, and money for the weapons sold.

I was under the impression that the area list was tailored to your level and thought I remembered seeing stuff like the monastary, halflings, chessboard, etc. We should reinstate the cock fighting area to have more cocks because that is one thing the game seems to be lacking.

What about adding a line to the room descs around modrian that would say "In the distance to the northeast you see a cave under a boulder and beyond that smoke rises from a number of elven chimneys." because Red is right about there not being much visuals, both literally and descriptively on the way to these zones.

Merriam Posted 30 Oct 2012

An easy fix would be providing more landmarks on the way through objects (a twisted oak), sentinel mobs (A tabaxi adventurer, sharpening his sword, is sitting on a log.), and the like.

Some zones already work this way. The monk monastery is north from HS until you reach the Shaded Road, then east until you reach the Circle of Stone, then north into the Dark Northern Courtyard.

Keep the thoughts coming on newbie improvements. They are on our minds. Knights, clerics, and bards will soon start with the symbols and instruments necessary to perform class abilities for the first 10 or so levels.

Tower Posted 30 Oct 2012

Suggestion: New skill @ level 1 that is +Mort that allows you to summon a mob (like devils, elementals, etc. I know there is a generic term for it…). They could assist in fighting?, defending?, healing?, recalling? and could be queried for directions to newbie areas.

They may or may not be really super incredibly annoying with useless information (a la Navi from Zelda: Ocarina of Time or that stupid cube from Halo)

Azimuth Posted 30 Oct 2012

You don't remember the "guardian angel," Tower? Newbies pretty much just ignored it and didn't attempt to ask it for help or interact with it at all. It was quite disappointing.

Tower Posted 30 Oct 2012

But that was just in the newbie tower wasn't it? If not, plagiarism is the most sincerest form of flattery.

Diamond Posted 17 Nov 2012

Fast action will be a great improvement for the newbie experience. This will include as Red said, directions towards areas that are appropriate, and a good weapon. If new players get action and are able to kill a lot of mobs, it'll be a lot more fun. Many new players may be too used to the instant action of other games.

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